Every time we are faced with a challenging situation in our life, we can either feel sorry for ourself and dwell in that energy or rise above and look at the situation from a higher perspective.
What is this trying to teach me?
Every perceived challenge stems from a “root fear”. By identifying and releasing those fears, we refuse to attract the same type of situation in our life again and transcend the limiting pattern.
Yes, it is true, we attract what happens to us. That’s why we hear ppl say, “this always happens to me.”
For example, if we find ourself taken advantage of repeatedly, it is because on some level we allow it.
All situations and relationships should be an equal and balanced give and take of energy. If it is not so, overtime it festers resentment and frustration. What started out as doing in excess in the name of love or just to boost our own sense of self-worth by being the “selfless giver”, we become enablers of toxic relationship dynamics that we struggle with.
This is just one example.
It is easy to feel sorry for oneself and it takes immense courage to take ownership.
When we take ownership of our life – the good, the bad and the ugly, we no longer allow our fears to dictate our life. We are not ready to deprive us of opportunities because our fear cripples us.
But, this does require one to go deep within, in an attempt to make the unconscious, conscious.
What are your fears?
What do u CHOOSE to do?