The collective HEART CHAKRA is being cracked open to a whole new level. You will experience heart palpitations, inflows of energy, higher heart/thymus activation.
A new wave of humans are coming online into the New Earth Crystalline Energy Grid. The current Solar CME brings in AWAKENING codes and a section of the unawakened collective will be going through a Dark Night of the Soul from now through to May 2021.
All awakened, ascending Starseed humans will serve as a beacon of light as you will attract spiritual seekers like moths to a flame. Learn as you teach, teach as you learn. You are called to provide a non-judgmental space for your friends and family who do not truly understand yet the enormity of what’s hitting them.
We are also receiving upgrades to the left brain hemisphere – your inner masculine and the masculine collective will rise up shedding patriarchal distortions that have been imprinted upon unconsciously. You will be shown where exactly in your life you are evading action, suppressing your inner masculine from providing form and structure to the rising inner feminine within. It is important to embrace the shadow aspects of self that are being shown in order to successfully alchemize it into it’s corresponding light frequency.
Peripheral vision will improve. Visions of light and color frequencies, sacred geometry will become more prevalent. Those who are clairvoyant will have a huge up-leveling in the codes you receive through visions.
ASCENSION SYMPTOMS – Insomnia, sensing subtle activity in the Crown, oscillating between mental alertness n clouded perception, heart palpitations, ear ringing, bouts of feeling “vague” and somewhat clueless
LIGHT LANGUAGE CHANT for Integration – ***Yatha Sthe Nitho Hatha***
You can use this chant once or as many times as guided by your higher-self. It will assist with centering you in the NOW and being receptive to the activation codes that are being presented.
In Divine Love & Gratitude,
Jess Alphonse
Art : @samuelfarrand on Instagram