The Divine Masculine Collective (within and without) is going through a period of re-evaluation of choices and priorities.
The dream space is especially active at this time proving to be a powerful medium for profound revelations.
A stark difference between their current reality and the craving of their soul brings them to a CHOICE-POINT.
They are being shown their own sub-conscious patterning around feeling like they don’t have a choice and are being encouraged to take the reins of their life into their own hands, understanding that they have always had the power to transcend their limitations. They just had to choose.
The lower chakras are being cleared of FEAR programming. HEART CHAKRA ACTIVATIONS are helping them heal deeply-held wounds and in healing they are once again able to visualize the manifestation of their dearest dreams and desires.
The universal energies are prodding and paving the path forward as karmic cycles in connection to GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATIONS come to a completion point. Many Divine Masculines will be/are changing locations/jobs at this time. These divinely orchestrated moves are going to bring them more clarity and closer to actualizing their deepest SOUL-CALL.
They are receiving assistance from their Galactic family and master guides to re-focus and weave their dreams into being with INTENTION and RESOLUTENESS.
This is achieved through taking accountability for their current life situation, in understanding that they are responsible for their choices and they are co-creators of their reality.
This is an intense, accelerated time of RE-CALIBRATION.
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In Divine Love,
Jess Alphonse