Your privacy is important to Soul Quest, LLC.
When you book a service with Soul Quest, LLC or opt-in to our subscription mailing list(you can choose to opt-out/unsubscribe anytime), we may request personal information from you (such as your name, date of birth, place of birth, credit card number, e-mail address, etc..). We will never intentionally disclose any personal information to any third party without your permission (through opting-in or similar procedures). We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to outside parties your personal information, except as set forth herein.
We may contact you based on the information you provide online in connection with the completion of requested service. We will share information with necessary third parties for the purpose of carrying out the Services. Your participation in the Services constitutes your consent to such disclosure and use of such information.
We will release specific information to comply with any valid legal inquiry or process or any Applicable Laws. We will also release specific information in special cases, such as if there is an attempted breach of the security of the Sites or a physical or property threat to you or others. We may provide access to your personal information to our contractors who are performing services for us in connection with our Site or the Services that you have requested.
Any information you provide when making a purchase will be shared with payment processors, financial gateways, credit card companies and any other necessary third parties.